Mitigate Cognitive Shortcuts


Learn how cognitive shortcuts limit perspective and opportunity and gain the strategies you need to mitigate these limitations in your own thinking. 

SKU: DS_MCS_CO Categories: ,


Course Availability: April 8-21, 2025

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Cognitive shortcuts influence what we think, how we interact, the decisions we make, and the actions we take. These unconscious processes and mental habits exist for a good reason. They help us process a data-intensive world in valuable and important ways. But! They also limit creativity and innovation, hinder awareness of difference, and hobble our ability to navigate unfamiliar situations.

“Most of us feel like we have reasons for what we are doing. But in fact we do what we are doing largely because of reasons that we’re not necessarily completely aware of.”
Daniel Kahneman, Eugene Higgins Professor of Psychology Emeritus at Princeton and winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics

Take this course to learn when and how a cognitive shortcut becomes a problem and what you can do about it.

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