Transformational Education for Academics: Learn.KardiaGroup

Transformational Education for Academics:
A New Way

Kardia Group has been providing transformational education for academics for many years through our coaching, consulting, workshops, retreats, facilitation, and other programs.

We’re now in the process of creating an additional way to access these resources: Learn.KardiaGroup.

It’s an online resource for faculty, staff, graduate students, and academic leaders interested in transforming the culture, functionality, and success of the academic endeavor. It’s designed to enhance access to essential resources to support the complex work of making academia.

Kardia Group Quality in an Asynchronous Format

Learn.KardiaGroup uses the Brightspace platform to present courses and programs. We chose Brightspace because it is a uniquely robust and powerful learning management system, one which supports our content, performance, and presentation standards. It may be familiar to you: many colleges, universities, and other organizations use it. It can host completely asynchronous courses, available at your convenience, as well as mixed delivery courses. We plan to take full advantage of its capacities!

Right now, we have made an initial sampling of courses available. We’ve chosen courses representing some of the most frequently-addressed topics in coaching, consulting, workshops, and facilitation: ways of working productively with conflict, mitigating cognitive shortcuts (expanding our mental models), and resources for improving discussions. We’ve found these to be among the most crucial skills for both personal growth and working with others. Course materials are rooted in research, and also draw on our extensive experience in coaching and consulting to provide both knowledge and practical applications.

These asynchronous courses stand alone, and they also work very well as supplemental resources within a coaching relationship or consulting engagement. They are available for individuals, of course, but can also be used in group settings, such as preparation for a conflict workshop.

Please check it out! And look for more courses in the near future.

And – yes, of course, we continue to offer our coaching and consulting services. Please contact us if you’re interested in learning more about those. Also, please contact us if you have questions about Learn.KardiaGroup.

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Intent vs. Impact: Narrowing the Gap
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Navigating Together: Support and Strategy Sessions for Higher Ed

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