Conflict Skills Snapshot


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Conflict appears as a frequent block to getting things done and seems a major obstacle in many interactions. The Conflict Skills Snapshot is an effective tool for loosening the grip of conflict by learning how to engage it effectively.

This self-paced resource consists of the TKI assessment (a short online instrument), an 11-page interpretive report, and three months of access to a weekly drop-in discussion. These discussions are aimed at clarifying assessment results, understanding effective conflict modes, and troubleshooting conflict situations. To get the most out of this package, bring questions and issues to the discussions!


We’ve designed this package to support conflict skills development through both information and interaction.

  • easy and accessible: accessible online assessment, with immediate access to results report
  • insightful: a clear explanation of how you tend to approach conflict, with a look at what modes you may under- or over-use and what impact that could have
  • informative: conflict response model opens new ways of thinking about how to approach conflict situations
  • supporting materials: additional resources to provide more information, examples, and possible next steps
  • opportunities for focused discussion: bring your specific questions to the weekly drop-in discussions

