My Approach to Conflict (TKI)


Identify your habitual responses to conflict and learn new options through the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Inventory (TKI).

12 in stock

SKU: AS_TKI_CO Categories: ,


Course Availability: April 8-21, 2025

Login credentials will be sent by email on the day the course opens. Complete this course anytime during the course availability window.

Conflict is a necessary part of professional discourse.

Disagreements arise because we need to bring our differences to the task at hand: differences in thought, expertise, life experience, style, strategy, sensitivity, perspective, identity, and more. To bridge these differences, we need to engage conflict effectively. 

Taking a conflict mode assessment, in this case the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Inventory (TKI), is a useful step.

The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Inventory (TKI) is a simple but powerful tool for identifying your habitual reactions to conflict and identifying new approaches, strategies, and perspectives. This shortcourse provides context for the TKI and supports integration. The shortcourse also includes an optional discussion forum where you can learn what others are gaining from this material.

Take this shortcourse to gain access to the TKI, its 11-page report, and resources for integrating these important insights.

This shortcourse is useful for:

  • individuals involved in an acute and important conflict and seeking new options for how to respond
  • people with a lifelong aversion to conflict and who want to broaden their options
  • leaders responsible for labs, teams, committees or departments who want to harness the power of conflict in group discussions

If you are purchasing this course for someone else, please include the name(s) and email(s) in the Order Notes in the checkout screen. (Order Notes transmits as plain text, so please enter the name and email address separately, rather than copy-pasting a name-email link.)

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