Leadership Development: Assessments

Assessments as Developmental Tools
for Faculty and Administrators

We have a number of resources to help faculty and administrators seeking development.  We have a variety of ways to assess skills and identify the kinds of development opportunities that might serve their goals. Using these assessments is also an effective way to learn about key leadership concepts with quick application to one’s day-to-day environment.

For more information about any of these assessments, please contact us.

Assessments Overview

Leadership and Management Skills

The CPI 260® Assessment

We use the CPI 260® assessment because it is exceptionally good at showing a helpful and accurate picture of one’s current leadership characteristics. It’s a very revealing look through an unusual perspective: the assessment is designed to show you how you appear to objective and knowledgeable others. The CPI 260® assessment always provides insights, stimulates useful reflection, and illuminates paths toward stronger leadership.

CPI 260® Assessment and three 60″ consultations: $1,125*
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We typically use the CPI 260® assessment inside a series of coaching sessions designed to highlight important insights and integrate them into the individual’s life context. The written reports and coaching sessions also address the degree to which strategies fit the current context, how strengths can be further developed, and the warning indicators that a strength may also have become a weakness.

The MBTI® Instrument

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® instrument provides a revealing look into how we prefer to do things. In addition to insight into one’s own behavior, this can open doors to seeing and understanding others more clearly. The MBTI® instrument is excellent for exploring awareness of self, energy management strategies, expanding awareness of others’ preferences, and related skill development to improve leadership capacity.

MBTI® Assessment and three 60″ consultations: $1,125*
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We typically use the MBTI® instrument inside a series of coaching sessions designed to bring additional awareness and insight into internal and external strategies, and to integrate them into the individual’s life context.

We also design longer range coaching packages to fit individual leadership situations or institutional needs. Contact us for more information.

Conflict Modes

The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode inventory

The TKI® assessment is a useful tool for understanding one’s responses to conflict. It identifies the kinds of conflict resolution strategies that are currently most and least appealing to you as an individual. Moreover, it gives suggestions and guides for making better strategic use of different ways to address conflict.

My Approach to Conflict (TKI)
online course: $30*
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This brief online inventory takes 10-15 minutes to complete. The report describes the conflict mode model, and how likely you are to use each of the five modes compared to a control group.  Note: this instrument identifies preferences and habits but does not assess skills.

360 Feedback

An interview-based process for collecting feedback from those with whom you work.
Contact us for more information, including pricing.

See also: 360 Assessments for Leaders

*All website pricing shows rates applicable to out-of-pocket costs for individuals. For rates for services to be paid through institutional funding, please contact us.
